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Tradition, evolution, continuity


A bit of history. It is necessary to take a long and compelling step backwards, a full 66 years. In 1958 Giovanni Trinchese started a tailoring workshop in the immediate surroundings of Naples, which immediately took the name ``Sartoria Trinchese,`` putting to use the skills learned from his maternal uncle, Giovanni La Manna. Thanks to a certainly un common wealth of expertise, the new business soon positioned itself in the upper range of the Neapolitan ``handmade and well-made`` scene, which has London tailoring as its only term of comparison in the world.

Identity. Without forgetting a significant and singular period of Giovanni's activity in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, his wife's country of origin, ``Sartoria Trinchese`` translates in its tailor-made creations all the numerous, peculiar and determining values of tailoring made in Naples. On the professional, but also ethical-moral level, we can speak of self-denial, dedication, love and propensity for care and perfection as well as for the beauty of uniqueness and refinement. On the more directly executive level, the manual skill that touches every work phase, the thousand abilities that give life to uniqueness itself, the living and throbbing experience always in progress, the expertise put in place with genuine love and handed down from generation to generation are worth while. It is not an exaggeration to compare Neapolitan tailoring, and certainly the Trinchese atelier, to the Renaissance workshop, with a master craftsman of creativity, always aimed at the superlative and the ``admirable`` and a point of reference for a cohesive and unique set of specialized figures.


What we offer

Neapolitan jacket

However, we are skilled in making various models of jackets, we are specialized in the famous “Neapolitan jacket”, which has its...

Home service

We make an appointment and decide together the best solution. Should it be difficult to meet in our offices, we can reach you at home,

Geometric processing

Our school of thought does not require the use of paper molds, but the geometric cutout, after having carefully taken the measurements.

High-class fabrics

Selected fabrics, to obtain the highest quality from our products.

Try the quality of our garments

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